# Lucee on Jetty lucee-base directory. For the primary Lucee on Jetty readme, see README.TXT in the parent directory. This lucee-base directory uses the split jetty-home/jetty-base functionality available in Jetty 9, to allow configuration of Lucee against an unmodified Jetty instance. For more information on jetty-base see the Jetty documentation at http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/startup-base-and-home.html This file contains information about the following: * The structure and purpose of the files and directories here. * Jetty and Lucee configurations which have been made. For more specific information, check for a readme in the relevant directory. (If there is no readme, check the Jetty documentation for further details.) ## Directories and files readme.md - this file. start.ini - Jetty startup modules & configuration. logs - Jetty's log files are created here. lucee-server - Lucee's server context and patches go here. modules - Additional Jetty module files. ~ lucee.mod - Lucee module for Jetty. ~ lucee/ - Configuration files for Lucee module. ~ lib - Lucee's JAR file. ~ etc - Jetty configuration overrides. ~ lucee-servlets.xml - Lucee CFML Servlet configuration. ~ rewrite-rules.xml - Jetty URL rewrite rules. resources - Jetty resource files. ~ jetty-logging.properties - Jetty logging configuration webapps - Jetty looks for webapp contexts here. ~ ROOT.xml - the XML config file for the default webapp context. webinfs - Lucee's webapp context configuration and log files. ## Jetty configuration * The `start.ini` file lists the relevant built-in modules plus `modules/lucee.mod` * The `modules/lucee/etc/rewrite-rules.xml` file is loaded by start.ini and rewrites *.cfm to enable path info. * The `modules/lucee/etc/lucee-servlets.xml` file is loaded via the overrideDescriptor setting in a webapp XML config file, and maps *.cfm and *.cfc to Lucee's CFMLServlet. ## Lucee configuration * The `lucee-server-directory` parameter is set to use `lucee-base/lucee-server` instead of the `lucee-base/lib/ext/lucee-server` default. * The `lucee-web-directory` parameter is set to use `lucee-base/webinfs/{web-context-label}` instead of `lucee-base/webapps/{context}/WEB-INF/lucee`