Sorcerer's IsleCode Lucee on Jetty / files

     1# Lucee on Jetty lucee-server directory.
     3The primary Lucee on Jetty readme is README.TXT in the top-level directory.
     5This lucee-server directory is where Lucee stores the configuration for the
     6Lucee Server and the patches when Lucee is updated - by default this directory
     7is found in lib/ext/lucee-server (alongside the Lucee JARs), but this bundle has
     8been configured for a more convenient location.
    10The context directory contains the lucee-server.xml config file for the Lucee
    11Server Admin, along with other global/server-level files.
    13The patches directory will contain one or more files - the latest
    14patch in this directory is the version Lucee will run.
    16A manual upgrade can be performed by copying a newer .lco file to this directory
    17and restarting Lucee.