c61e8f2 | SWitched from function Struct to shorthand struct notation. |
Peter Boughton |
e3cb4de | Updated to v0.7.3 |
BP |
a2e8a5d | Updating SVN trunk with current v0.7.2 codebase. |
BP |
d1b1d78 | - Added details of how to get new Eclipse plugin. - Updated readme to indicate qpScanner is now GPLv3. |
BP |
bf7704f | - Committed latest files for v0.7-dev |
BP |
9e77400 | - Changed: version 0.5.1 -> 0.5.2 |
BP |
fe94be8 | - Changed: version 0.5.0 -> 0.5.1 |
BP |
808a83e | - Added licensing details. |
BP |
eb043db | Initial version of qpScanner. |
BP |